Gates of Paradise


I am travelling to Paradise

With you my little girl,

Do I need to reach that place?

I feel I am already with you there.

Open it smoothly for me

And let me throw myself inside

Feeling this passion that makes us believe

That love is the only way to get high.

I wonder whether to persist

Not to have control or behave

When I become the love beast

The one for which you have prayed.

Open it smoothly for me

And let me throw myself inside

Feeling this passion that makes us believe

That love is the only way to get high.

We can fly together

Losing our minds in the sky

And let’s do it much better

Beating our dreams when we cry.

Open it smoothly for me

And let me throw myself inside

Feeling this passion that makes us believe

That love is the only way to get high.

Once breathing in Paradise

Me and you my beautiful girl

Love each other so we can reach the prize

Of watching angels closing the gates to return.

Tin Bojanic